Sunday, April 6, 2014

Frosted Glass Project

We have a TV console in our room that has glass doors and I hate that you can see right through it.

See it is just ugly! I decided I wanted to frost the glass so that it wouldn't be as easy to see in.

I took the panels out and washed them.

Then I got a table set up outside ready to frost them.

I used Rusteloem Frosted Glass spray and went to work. After two coats I let them dry to see if I liked them.

I did two more coats then was satisfied. I let them dry longer then they needed and then I took them up and put them in. 

All Done. They aren't perfect but I am happy with how it turned out. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hoping to update

I know I have been MIA on here for a while. Well life got busy plus I didn't have a way to really get on blogger anymore, as my laptop died and I don't like to sit in the office to blog but the problem has been solved. I plan on trying to blog once a week on here and about the same on my weight loss blog. I have really been trying to live by new year new me with how I eat, spending more time with princess, more time in the bible, and exercising. It has been going pretty good, plus I still have some house projects left to do. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful for Day 2

I am thankful for the gift of my salvation! God sent his son and by his grace i am saved of my sin and washed clean in His eyes! It is great to know that one day i will see my gracious Lord!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful for... Day 1

Today is November 1st and for most of my friends they say one thing they are thankful for everyday and I plan to do the same only I am going to do this on my blog that way if I really want to get into a certain topic I can.

First and foremost I am thankful for the most important thing in my life and that is God Almighty because without him there would be nothing, I would be nothing, and I would have nothing!!!
Think about this really I encourage you...
Genesis 1:1-30 Tells us that God created the heavens and earth, the light and darkness, the water and the sky, the plants, the moon, stars, and sun, creatures of the sea and winged birds, animals, creatures of the land, and livestock, and mankind in his own image! So literally we would be nothing without God he is our creator and we are his creation!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

God is Always helping me on my way

As I have said in a previous post, God led me to community bible study in November and it has been such a blessing. It has blessed me in spirit, friendship, and understanding of the word. Over the last couple days it has been tenfold, yesterday I had help and love I had been needing for months... it touched me in a way I can not describe and I feel as if I have REAL sisters in Christ!
I had another need that I never expressed to anyone or to our loving Father, but Today as I was reading our commentary for our bible study I was overwhelmed with how he answered it and overjoyed when I truly heard him during my prayer. Basically it was that prayer is not a monologue IT IS a dialogue... I had truly never heard or thought of prayer like that before. I had known it was our way to talk to God but I always thought he would answer in other ways.
My best friend had been coming to me for advice for a situation she had been dealing with, I had given her my opinion but felt it wasn't enough and told he answer that prayer and led me to a verse to share with her. Then she said a verse to me that was one thing I have been working on lately and I know I have been better about. Just 3 examples how God is always helping us on our way each and everyday. I am going to leave you with that verse.
~*~ Ephesians 4:32 - Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ~*~

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We Got It and Are In!

We got our new home and are living in it! I feel so incredibly blessed that we are able to move and be where we wanted to be. I know a lot of prayers went up for us and I am thankful! It feels amazing to be somewhere that really feels like home and we havent even started decorating or doing any of the many projects that we have ahead. I really enjoy projects like these so Im excited to start tackling them. I will also probably be asking for input if I can't make up my mind which is very likely to happen! :)
Pictures of the new house with no furniture

Living Room
Living Room 2 (same room different view)

Master 2

Master Bath

Guest/ Princess' bath

Office/ Guest Room

Princess' Room

Upstairs Hall


Kitchen 1

Kitchen 2

Laundry Room

1/2 Bath

Somehow the playroom pic never made it on here. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Update on Life

LOTS and I do mean lots has been going on here! Shortly after my last post we booked a 6 day/5 night Disney world vacation staying at Old Key West with fre dinning also my Sis3 and her daughter (who was 8) went with us. It was a great vacation and we had a ton of fun and loved watching princess experience all of Disney's magic while there we celebrated our 5 year anniversary!! Our present to each other was DVC otherwise known as Disney Vacation Club, which is Disney's timeshare!!! This was HUGE!!! We had always wanted to own a piece of the magic but we definately didnt think we could do it this soon. We have our first vacation as members booked for this Dec 9-15 and I am so so so excited! I can not wait to see Disney in all of its Christmas glory.

When we got back my husband decided it was time to put our house on the market so we did just that. We had no activity on the house so we went on with our lives as normal. My Sis(2) and I decided to join a community bible study right before Thanksgiving. It has been one of the BEST decision I have made. Having support of these sisters in Christ has been such a rewarding experience, I enjoying seeing them and talking to them when we meet and I really enjoy the way I have been feeling as well, as far as outlook on life. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving at home and a great Christmas!!! After Christmas, we finally got some activity on the house a wife and her realtor came out, then the wife brought her husband back out! They LOVED it (so we are told) and we now have a contract and our currently just waiting to hear from the woman who came to appraise the house as long as it is the right amount for the couples loan then we will be closing Feb 9th! We have also put a contract on a brand new, new construction home in a neighborhood in the area we want to be in!

 I am thankful and blessed how God has blessed our lives! We serve such an awesome God, always looking out for us and never having to worry knowing he will take care of it all. Now, I know this post is very upbeat and I am having a very happy sort of day! Life is not always rainbows and butterflies and we have had a lot of uncertainy with tryin to sell the house even know we are waiting for the appraisal and it is not easy waiting but we are putting it in God's hands and having faith! ~Isaiah 41:13 For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.~ this verse has been my rock during this time... it has really helped know Jesus is always there to help me in my way. So I am staying strong and just hoping to hear something soon.